Machine Learning today has got all the attention it needs. Machine learning can automate many tasks by performing the algorithms, relying on patterns. It is seen as a category under AI. Machine Learning tries to make the machines more like a human so that they can learn and take decisions on their own.
A typical machine learning process includes Training > Validation > Testing. There are also various mathematical techniques that Machine learning engineers expertise to get the best results. Some of them include:
- Linear algebra for data analysis: Scalars, Vectors, Matrices, and Tensors
- Mathematical Analysis: Derivatives and Gradients
- Probability theory and statistics
- Multivariate Calculus
- Algorithms and Complex Optimizations
There are Seven Steps which are widely used by Scientists of Machine Learning: Gather the required Data> Prepare the data as per the needs> Choosing a model which can work best in your scenario> Training the model > Evaluating the model > Hyperparameter Tuning and last is Prediction.
If we look into the use case of machine learning, object recognition is one of the greatest and most commonly used machine learning use case.
E2E Networks provides an Nvidia tesla based GPU server, which is suitable for such kind of workloads.
Our GPU's can process large amounts of data in no time. That is why most of the companies are switching to the GPU server instead of going with Dedicated Servers or Smart Dedicated Server. If a Dedicated or Smart dedicated server does a task in 48 hours, a GPU server can do it in just 15 minutes. That's how GPU works, and it is highly suitable Machine Learning, Deep learning, Big data, and Computer vision companies.
When it comes to Machine Learning, we only think of GPU servers, but most of the organizations can not afford GPUs on a monthly basis. But in E2E Networks, it is possible to get GPUs at the lower price on a monthly basis as well, so customers can use it without getting in a hassle of terminating the Machine every single day to save money.
It is beneficial for startup companies. They can optimize their Infrastructure cost by using E2E's GPU based cloud servers
To learn more about our GPU Cloud servers, check the link here