A Guide to LaVie - Text to Video Generation AI

January 10, 2024

In an era where visual content reigns supreme, the convergence of artificial intelligence and video generation has reached unparalleled heights with LaVie. LaVie stands as a pioneering framework, redefining the standards of text-to-video generation. By harnessing the power of cascaded Video Latent Diffusion Models, LaVie introduces an intricate architecture comprising a Base T2V model, Temporal Interpolation model, and Video Super-Resolution model. This innovation aims to seamlessly translate text into visually realistic, temporally coherent videos, setting new benchmarks in quality and creative generation capabilities.

Understanding LaVie: What Is Text-to-Video Generation AI?

LaVie stands at the forefront of AI-driven technologies, leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP), Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), and deep learning techniques to convert textual input into compelling video content. With its sophisticated algorithms, LaVie analyzes text inputs, interprets their context, and generates corresponding video sequences that align with the provided content.

How Does LaVie Work?

Text Input: Users input descriptive text, including narratives, scenarios, or dialogues.

Natural Language Processing: LaVie processes the text through advanced NLP models to comprehend its essence, identifying key elements and contexts.

Video Generation: Leveraging its AI capabilities, LaVie creates corresponding visual content by assembling scenes, characters, animations, and backgrounds that match the narrative.

Refinement and Customization: Users can fine-tune generated videos, select styles, adjust visuals, or add personalized elements to suit their preferences.

Key Features and Capabilities of LaVie

Diverse Video Styles: LaVie offers an array of video styles, from animated storytelling to explainer videos, enabling users to select the most suitable format for their content.

Customization Options: Users have the freedom to personalize videos by choosing characters, backgrounds, music, and other elements that resonate with their brand or message.

Time and Resource Efficiency: LaVie significantly reduces the time and resources required for video production, streamlining the content creation process.

Scalability: Its automated workflow allows for scalability, enabling the creation of multiple videos simultaneously.

Applications of LaVie

Marketing and Advertising: Businesses can generate captivating promotional videos for products or services.

Education and Training: Educational institutions and trainers can create engaging instructional videos or presentations.

Social Media Content: Influencers and content creators can produce engaging videos for various social media platforms.

Entertainment Industry: From storytelling to creating short films, LaVie contributes to the entertainment sector by simplifying the video production process.

The Core Approach of LaVie

At the heart of LaVie lies a trifecta of distinct networks, each playing a crucial role in the video generation process. The LaVie framework operates as a layered system crafted to create videos based on textual descriptions by employing Video Latent Diffusion Models. Its architecture comprises three distinct networks:

  • The Base T2V model generates concise, low-resolution keyframes.
  • The Temporal Interpolation model enhances these brief videos by interpolating frames to augment the frame rate.
  • The Video Super Resolution model transforms low-resolution videos into high-definition ones.

Each model undergoes individual training, with textual inputs acting as conditioning information. During the inference stage, LaVie, when provided with latent noises and a textual prompt, can produce a 61-frame video with a resolution of 1280×2048 pixels.

Base T2V Model

The modified version of the original Latent Diffusion Model (LDM), initially a 2D UNet, involves expanding each 2D convolutional layer to encompass an additional temporal dimension. This expansion results in the creation of a pseudo-3D convolutional layer, introducing an extra-temporal axis to the input tensor. Furthermore, the original transformer block extends to form a Spatio-Temporal Transformer by integrating a temporal attention layer after each spatial layer. This incorporation includes Rotary Positional Encoding to unify the temporal attention layer. This method is more straightforward and efficient compared to previous techniques, avoiding the need for an additional Temporal Transformer.

The primary objective of the base model is to produce high-quality keyframes that maintain diversity and capture the inherent composition of videos. This process involves generating videos aligned with creative prompts. However, fine-tuning the model exclusively on video datasets leads to rapid knowledge loss, causing the model to forget previous information quickly. To counter this issue, a joint fine-tuning approach utilizing both image and video data is implemented. Images are concatenated along the temporal axis to construct a T-frame video, and the model is trained to optimize the objectives of both T2I and T2V tasks.This approach notably enhances video quality and effectively transfers diverse concepts from images to videos, encompassing various styles, scenes, and characters. The resulting base model, without altering the architecture of LDM and undergoing joint training on image and video data, demonstrates proficiency in handling both T2I and T2V tasks. This highlights the adaptability and applicability of the proposed design.

Temporal Interpolation Model

The base T2V model undergoes expansion with the integration of a temporal interpolation network aimed at refining the smoothness and intricacy of the resulting videos. Specifically, a diffusion UNet is trained to quadruple the frame rate of the initial base video, transforming a 16-frame base video into an upsampled output of 61 frames.

Throughout the training process, the frames of the base video are replicated to align with the desired frame rate and combined with noisy high-frame-rate frames. These combined frames are then inputted into the diffusion UNet. The UNet's training focuses on reconstructing noise-free high-frame-rate frames, enabling it to acquire denoising capabilities and produce interpolated frames. During inference, the base video frames are merged with randomly initialized Gaussian noise, subsequently removed by the diffusion UNet, resulting in the generation of 61 interpolated frames.

This methodology stands out due to its distinct approach wherein each interpolated frame replaces the corresponding input frame, deviating from conventional methods where input frames remain unchanged during the interpolation process. Moreover, the conditioning of the diffusion UNet on the text prompt serves as supplementary guidance for the temporal interpolation process, elevating the overall quality and coherence of the generated videos.

Video Super-Resolution Model

To enhance the visual quality and spatial resolution of the resulting videos, an integrated Video Super-Resolution (VSR) model is implemented within the video generation process. This model entails training an LDM upsampler, aiming to boost the video resolution up to 1280×2048 pixels. Leveraging a pre-trained diffusion-based image ×4 upscale as a foundation, it is adapted to handle video inputs in a 3D context by incorporating an added temporal dimension within the diffusion UNet. This adaptation involves introducing temporal layers, such as temporal attention and a 3D convolutional layer, to augment the temporal coherence within the generated videos.

The diffusion UNet, influenced by additional text descriptions and noise levels as conditioning factors, offers adaptable control over the texture and quality of the refined output. The primary focus lies in refining the inserted temporal layers within the V-LDM, while the spatial layers within the pre-trained upscaler remain unchanged. The model undergoes patchwise training on 320 × 320 patches, utilizing the low-resolution video as a robust condition. This strategy preserves the inherent convolutional characteristics, facilitating efficient training on patches of varying sizes while maintaining the ability to process inputs of arbitrary dimensions.

Tutorial - Using LaVie on E2E Cloud

If you require extra GPU resources for the tutorials ahead, you can explore the offerings on E2E CLOUD. We provide a diverse selection of GPUs, making them a suitable choice for more advanced LLM-based applications.To get one, head over to MyAccount, and sign up. Then launch a GPU node as is shown in the screenshot below:

Make sure you add your ssh keys during launch, or through the security tab after launching. Once you have launched a node, you can use VSCode Remote Explorer to ssh into the node and use it as a local development environment.

Using LaVie - Text-to-Video Generation Framework

LaVie is a Text-to-Video (T2V) generation framework built on PyTorch, forming an integral part of the video generation system called Vchitect. This tutorial will guide you through the installation process, downloading pre-trained models, and running inference steps for video generation using LaVie.


To begin, follow these steps to set up the LaVie environment:

1. Clone the repository containing the official PyTorch implementation of LaVie.

!git clone https://github.com/Vchitect/LaVie.git

2. Navigate to the cloned repository in your terminal.Run the following commands in your terminal:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate lavie

This will create a Conda environment named lavie and activate it, ensuring you have all the necessary dependencies installed.

Download Pre-Trained Models

After setting up the environment, download the pre-trained LaVie models, Stable Diffusion 1.4, stable-diffusion-x4-upscaler into the pretrained_models directory within your cloned repository.

├── pretrained_models
│   ├── lavie_base.pt
│   ├── lavie_interpolation.pt
│   ├── lavie_vsr.pt
│   ├── stable-diffusion-v1-4
│   │   ├── ...
└── └── stable-diffusion-x4-upscaler
        ├── ...


The inference contains Base T2V, Video Interpolation and Video Super-Resolution three steps. We provide several options to generate videos:

Running Inference for Video Generation

LaVie offers three steps in the inference process: Base T2V, Video Interpolation, and Video Super-Resolution. Below are the steps to perform each:

Base T2V

To generate videos using the Base T2V model, execute the following command in your terminal:

cd base
python pipelines/sample.py --config configs/sample.yaml

In the configs/sample.yaml file, you can modify various arguments for inference, such as:

  • ckpt_path: Path to the downloaded LaVie base model (../pretrained_models/lavie_base.pt by default).
  • pretrained_models: Path to the downloaded Stable Diffusion 1.4 models (../pretrained_models by default).
  • output_folder: Path to save the generated results (../res/base by default).
  • Other parameters like seed, sample_method, guidance_scale, num_sampling_steps, and text_prompt for generation.

Video Interpolation (Optional)

If you want to perform video interpolation, navigate to the interpolation directory and run the following command:

cd interpolation
python sample.py --config configs/sample.yaml

Modify the input_folder in the configs/sample.yaml file to specify your input video path. The code processes all videos in the specified input folder, assuming they are named as prompt1.mp4, prompt2.mp4, and so on.

Video Super-Resolution (Optional)

For video super-resolution, go to the vsr directory and run:

cd vsr
python sample.py --config configs/sample.yaml

Similar to the video interpolation step, modify the input_path in the configs/sample.yaml file to specify your input video path. Follow these steps carefully to leverage LaVie's capabilities for Text-to-Video generation, including video interpolation and super-resolution, based on your requirements. Adjust the parameters and input according to your desired prompts and videos.

Deployed Gradio Example

A very much deployable use case which you can run on your systems and try out is as follows:

Clone Repository and Change Directory

%cd /content
!git clone -b dev https://github.com/camenduru/LaVie-hf
%cd /content/LaVie-hf

Download Pretrained Models

!apt -y install -qq aria2
!aria2c --console-log-level=error -c -x 16 -s 16 -k 1M https://huggingface.co/vdo/LaVie/resolve/main/pretrained_models/lavie_vsr.pt -d /content/LaVie-hf/pretrained_models -o lavie_vsr.pt
!aria2c --console-log-level=error -c -x 16 -s 16 -k 1M https://huggingface.co/vdo/LaVie/resolve/main/pretrained_models/lavie_interpolation.pt -d /content/LaVie-hf/pretrained_models -o lavie_interpolation.pt
!aria2c --console-log-level=error -c -x 16 -s 16 -k 1M https://huggingface.co/vdo/LaVie/resolve/main/pretrained_models/lavie_base.pt -d /content/LaVie-hf/pretrained_models -o lavie_base.pt
!aria2c --console-log-level=error -c -x 16 -s 16 -k 1M https://huggingface.co/vdo/LaVie/resolve/main/pretrained_models/safety_checker/model.safetensors -d /content/LaVie-hf/pretrained_models/safety_checker -o model.safetensors
!aria2c --console-log-level=error -c -x 16 -s 16 -k 1M https://huggingface.co/vdo/LaVie/resolve/main/pretrained_models/text_encoder/pytorch_model.bin -d /content/LaVie-hf/pretrained_models/text_encoder -o pytorch_model.bin
!aria2c --console-log-level=error -c -x 16 -s 16 -k 1M https://huggingface.co/vdo/LaVie/resolve/main/pretrained_models/vae/diffusion_pytorch_model.bin -d /content/LaVie-hf/pretrained_models/vae -o diffusion_pytorch_model.bin
  • Install aria2, a command-line download utility.
  • Downloads several pretrained models from specific URLs and saves them into the /content/LaVie-hf/pretrained_models directory.

Install Python Dependencies

!pip install -q gradio==3.50.2 einops diffusers accelerate rotary_embedding_torch omegaconf av
!pip install -q https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118/xformers-0.0.22.post4%2Bcu118-cp310-cp310-manylinux2014_x86_64.whl

Install various Python packages and dependencies required for the project, including gradio, einops, diffusers, accelerate, rotary_embedding_torch, omegaconf, av, and a specific version of xformers.

Run Python Script

!python base/app.py
  • Execute a Python script (app.py) located in the /base directory within the cloned repository. This script likely contains the main functionality of the LaVie-hf project.
  • Click on the link that appears and that would take you to the Gradio web interface and you can experiment with it.

Output Image:

One can surely experiment with changing the values of steps, seed and guidance_scale.

Optimizing Performance

Efficiency is key in video generation. LaVie offers various optimization techniques to enhance performance, especially when dealing with high-resolution outputs.

  • Batch Processing: Process videos in batches to maximize GPU utilization.
  • Lower-Resolution Prototyping: Start with lower-resolution prototypes and scale up for the final output
  • Parallel Processing: Utilize multi-threading or distributed computing for large-scale video generation tasks.

Best Practices for Optimal Results

To achieve the best results with LaVie, it’s important to follow certain best practices:

Resource Management: Video generation is resource-intensive. Ensure you have adequate computational resources.

Experimenting with Parameters: Experimenting with different parameters can yield unique and interesting results.

Staying Updated: Keep your LaVie installation and dependencies updated for the latest features and improvements.


LaVie's prowess is substantiated through rigorous qualitative and quantitative evaluations across diverse datasets:

Qualitative Evaluation

LaVie's ability to synthesize diverse content with spatial and temporal coherence is evident. From actions like ‘YPanda playing guitar’ to intricate scene creations, it showcases superior visual fidelity and style capture. This superiority stems from its initiation from a pre-trained LDM and the joint fine-tuning across image and video datasets.

Quantitative Evaluation

Outperforming state-of-the-art models on datasets like UCF101 and MSR-VTT, LaVie exhibits adeptness in handling smaller training datasets and showcasing superior performance. Its robust training scheme and reliance on the Vimeo 25M dataset have significantly impacted its success.

Human Evaluation

In human assessment, LaVie surpasses other models in human preference. Yet, challenges persist in achieving satisfactory motion smoothness and producing high-quality visuals of faces, bodies, and hands.

Expanding Applications

Beyond conventional text-to-video generation, LaVie showcases adaptability in long video generation and personalized synthesis. Its recursive approach extends video generation beyond single sequences, while personalized T2V generation integrates methods for scene creation based on specific characters in novel settings.

Furthermore, LaVie showcases its adaptability in personalized T2V generation by incorporating a personalized image generation method, like LoRA. The process involves fine-tuning the spatial layers of the model utilizing LoRA with self-collected images while maintaining the frozen state of the temporal modules. This modification empowers LaVie to generate personalized videos in response to diverse prompts, crafting scenarios that portray distinct characters in unique settings.

Limitations of LaVie

While LaVie has made significant strides in the realm of general text-to-video generation, it grapples with specific limitations, especially concerning multi-subject generation and the depiction of hands. The existing models encounter difficulties when generating scenes featuring more than two subjects, often blending appearances instead of distinctly creating individuals. This challenge isn't exclusive to LaVie and has also been noted in models like the T2I model. One potential remedy might involve substituting the current language model, CLIP, with a more robustly comprehending model like T5. This change aims to enhance the model's understanding of complex language descriptions, potentially mitigating the issue of subject blending in multi-subject scenarios.

Moreover, the generation of high-quality, lifelike representations of human hands presents an ongoing challenge. The model frequently struggles to accurately depict the precise number of fingers. A potential solution entails training the model on a more extensive and diverse dataset containing videos featuring human subjects. This exposure would encompass a broader spectrum of hand appearances and variations, empowering the model to generate more realistic and anatomically precise hand representations.


LaVie represents a monumental leap in the realm of content creation, offering an innovative solution for transforming text into visually appealing videos. Its AI-powered capabilities streamline the production process, empowering individuals and businesses to create captivating video content efficiently. As technology continues to evolve, LaVie stands as a testament to the ever-expanding possibilities of AI-driven innovation in reshaping the way we communicate and engage with visual content.


Research Paper: LAVIE: High-Quality Video Generation with Cascaded Latent Diffusion Models

Project Website: https://vchitect.github.io/LaVie-project/

GitHub Repository: https://github.com/Vchitect/LaVie

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This is a decorative image for: A Complete Guide To Customer Acquisition For Startups
October 18, 2022

A Complete Guide To Customer Acquisition For Startups

Any business is enlivened by its customers. Therefore, a strategy to constantly bring in new clients is an ongoing requirement. In this regard, having a proper customer acquisition strategy can be of great importance.

So, if you are just starting your business, or planning to expand it, read on to learn more about this concept.

The problem with customer acquisition

As an organization, when working in a diverse and competitive market like India, you need to have a well-defined customer acquisition strategy to attain success. However, this is where most startups struggle. Now, you may have a great product or service, but if you are not in the right place targeting the right demographic, you are not likely to get the results you want.

To resolve this, typically, companies invest, but if that is not channelized properly, it will be futile.

So, the best way out of this dilemma is to have a clear customer acquisition strategy in place.

How can you create the ideal customer acquisition strategy for your business?

  • Define what your goals are

You need to define your goals so that you can meet the revenue expectations you have for the current fiscal year. You need to find a value for the metrics –

  • MRR – Monthly recurring revenue, which tells you all the income that can be generated from all your income channels.
  • CLV – Customer lifetime value tells you how much a customer is willing to spend on your business during your mutual relationship duration.  
  • CAC – Customer acquisition costs, which tells how much your organization needs to spend to acquire customers constantly.
  • Churn rate – It tells you the rate at which customers stop doing business.

All these metrics tell you how well you will be able to grow your business and revenue.

  • Identify your ideal customers

You need to understand who your current customers are and who your target customers are. Once you are aware of your customer base, you can focus your energies in that direction and get the maximum sale of your products or services. You can also understand what your customers require through various analytics and markers and address them to leverage your products/services towards them.

  • Choose your channels for customer acquisition

How will you acquire customers who will eventually tell at what scale and at what rate you need to expand your business? You could market and sell your products on social media channels like Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, or invest in paid marketing like Google Ads. You need to develop a unique strategy for each of these channels. 

  • Communicate with your customers

If you know exactly what your customers have in mind, then you will be able to develop your customer strategy with a clear perspective in mind. You can do it through surveys or customer opinion forms, email contact forms, blog posts and social media posts. After that, you just need to measure the analytics, clearly understand the insights, and improve your strategy accordingly.

Combining these strategies with your long-term business plan will bring results. However, there will be challenges on the way, where you need to adapt as per the requirements to make the most of it. At the same time, introducing new technologies like AI and ML can also solve such issues easily. To learn more about the use of AI and ML and how they are transforming businesses, keep referring to the blog section of E2E Networks.

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This is a decorative image for: Constructing 3D objects through Deep Learning
October 18, 2022

Image-based 3D Object Reconstruction State-of-the-Art and trends in the Deep Learning Era

3D reconstruction is one of the most complex issues of deep learning systems. There have been multiple types of research in this field, and almost everything has been tried on it — computer vision, computer graphics and machine learning, but to no avail. However, that has resulted in CNN or convolutional neural networks foraying into this field, which has yielded some success.

The Main Objective of the 3D Object Reconstruction

Developing this deep learning technology aims to infer the shape of 3D objects from 2D images. So, to conduct the experiment, you need the following:

  • Highly calibrated cameras that take a photograph of the image from various angles.
  • Large training datasets can predict the geometry of the object whose 3D image reconstruction needs to be done. These datasets can be collected from a database of images, or they can be collected and sampled from a video.

By using the apparatus and datasets, you will be able to proceed with the 3D reconstruction from 2D datasets.

State-of-the-art Technology Used by the Datasets for the Reconstruction of 3D Objects

The technology used for this purpose needs to stick to the following parameters:

  • Input

Training with the help of one or multiple RGB images, where the segmentation of the 3D ground truth needs to be done. It could be one image, multiple images or even a video stream.

The testing will also be done on the same parameters, which will also help to create a uniform, cluttered background, or both.

  • Output

The volumetric output will be done in both high and low resolution, and the surface output will be generated through parameterisation, template deformation and point cloud. Moreover, the direct and intermediate outputs will be calculated this way.

  • Network architecture used

The architecture used in training is 3D-VAE-GAN, which has an encoder and a decoder, with TL-Net and conditional GAN. At the same time, the testing architecture is 3D-VAE, which has an encoder and a decoder.

  • Training used

The degree of supervision used in 2D vs 3D supervision, weak supervision along with loss functions have to be included in this system. The training procedure is adversarial training with joint 2D and 3D embeddings. Also, the network architecture is extremely important for the speed and processing quality of the output images.

  • Practical applications and use cases

Volumetric representations and surface representations can do the reconstruction. Powerful computer systems need to be used for reconstruction.

Given below are some of the places where 3D Object Reconstruction Deep Learning Systems are used:

  • 3D reconstruction technology can be used in the Police Department for drawing the faces of criminals whose images have been procured from a crime site where their faces are not completely revealed.
  • It can be used for re-modelling ruins at ancient architectural sites. The rubble or the debris stubs of structures can be used to recreate the entire building structure and get an idea of how it looked in the past.
  • They can be used in plastic surgery where the organs, face, limbs or any other portion of the body has been damaged and needs to be rebuilt.
  • It can be used in airport security, where concealed shapes can be used for guessing whether a person is armed or is carrying explosives or not.
  • It can also help in completing DNA sequences.

So, if you are planning to implement this technology, then you can rent the required infrastructure from E2E Networks and avoid investing in it. And if you plan to learn more about such topics, then keep a tab on the blog section of the website

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This is a decorative image for: Comprehensive Guide to Deep Q-Learning for Data Science Enthusiasts
October 18, 2022

A Comprehensive Guide To Deep Q-Learning For Data Science Enthusiasts

For all data science enthusiasts who would love to dig deep, we have composed a write-up about Q-Learning specifically for you all. Deep Q-Learning and Reinforcement learning (RL) are extremely popular these days. These two data science methodologies use Python libraries like TensorFlow 2 and openAI’s Gym environment.

So, read on to know more.

What is Deep Q-Learning?

Deep Q-Learning utilizes the principles of Q-learning, but instead of using the Q-table, it uses the neural network. The algorithm of deep Q-Learning uses the states as input and the optimal Q-value of every action possible as the output. The agent gathers and stores all the previous experiences in the memory of the trained tuple in the following order:

State> Next state> Action> Reward

The neural network training stability increases using a random batch of previous data by using the experience replay. Experience replay also means the previous experiences stocking, and the target network uses it for training and calculation of the Q-network and the predicted Q-Value. This neural network uses openAI Gym, which is provided by taxi-v3 environments.

Now, any understanding of Deep Q-Learning   is incomplete without talking about Reinforcement Learning.

What is Reinforcement Learning?

Reinforcement is a subsection of ML. This part of ML is related to the action in which an environmental agent participates in a reward-based system and uses Reinforcement Learning to maximize the rewards. Reinforcement Learning is a different technique from unsupervised learning or supervised learning because it does not require a supervised input/output pair. The number of corrections is also less, so it is a highly efficient technique.

Now, the understanding of reinforcement learning is incomplete without knowing about Markov Decision Process (MDP). MDP is involved with each state that has been presented in the results of the environment, derived from the state previously there. The information which composes both states is gathered and transferred to the decision process. The task of the chosen agent is to maximize the awards. The MDP optimizes the actions and helps construct the optimal policy.

For developing the MDP, you need to follow the Q-Learning Algorithm, which is an extremely important part of data science and machine learning.

What is Q-Learning Algorithm?

The process of Q-Learning is important for understanding the data from scratch. It involves defining the parameters, choosing the actions from the current state and also choosing the actions from the previous state and then developing a Q-table for maximizing the results or output rewards.

The 4 steps that are involved in Q-Learning:

  1. Initializing parameters – The RL (reinforcement learning) model learns the set of actions that the agent requires in the state, environment and time.
  2. Identifying current state – The model stores the prior records for optimal action definition for maximizing the results. For acting in the present state, the state needs to be identified and perform an action combination for it.
  3. Choosing the optimal action set and gaining the relevant experience – A Q-table is generated from the data with a set of specific states and actions, and the weight of this data is calculated for updating the Q-Table to the following step.
  4. Updating Q-table rewards and next state determination – After the relevant experience is gained and agents start getting environmental records. The reward amplitude helps to present the subsequent step.  

In case the Q-table size is huge, then the generation of the model is a time-consuming process. This situation requires Deep Q-learning.

Hopefully, this write-up has provided an outline of Deep Q-Learning and its related concepts. If you wish to learn more about such topics, then keep a tab on the blog section of the E2E Networks website.

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This is a decorative image for: GAUDI: A Neural Architect for Immersive 3D Scene Generation
October 13, 2022

GAUDI: A Neural Architect for Immersive 3D Scene Generation

The evolution of artificial intelligence in the past decade has been staggering, and now the focus is shifting towards AI and ML systems to understand and generate 3D spaces. As a result, there has been extensive research on manipulating 3D generative models. In this regard, Apple’s AI and ML scientists have developed GAUDI, a method specifically for this job.

An introduction to GAUDI

The GAUDI 3D immersive technique founders named it after the famous architect Antoni Gaudi. This AI model takes the help of a camera pose decoder, which enables it to guess the possible camera angles of a scene. Hence, the decoder then makes it possible to predict the 3D canvas from almost every angle.

What does GAUDI do?

GAUDI can perform multiple functions –

  • The extensions of these generative models have a tremendous effect on ML and computer vision. Pragmatically, such models are highly useful. They are applied in model-based reinforcement learning and planning world models, SLAM is s, or 3D content creation.
  • Generative modelling for 3D objects has been used for generating scenes using graf, pigan, and gsn, which incorporate a GAN (Generative Adversarial Network). The generator codes radiance fields exclusively. Using the 3D space in the scene along with the camera pose generates the 3D image from that point. This point has a density scalar and RGB value for that specific point in 3D space. This can be done from a 2D camera view. It does this by imposing 3D datasets on those 2D shots. It isolates various objects and scenes and combines them to render a new scene altogether.
  • GAUDI also removes GANs pathologies like mode collapse and improved GAN.
  • GAUDI also uses this to train data on a canonical coordinate system. You can compare it by looking at the trajectory of the scenes.

How is GAUDI applied to the content?

The steps of application for GAUDI have been given below:

  • Each trajectory is created, which consists of a sequence of posed images (These images are from a 3D scene) encoded into a latent representation. This representation which has a radiance field or what we refer to as the 3D scene and the camera path is created in a disentangled way. The results are interpreted as free parameters. The problem is optimized by and formulation of a reconstruction objective.
  • This simple training process is then scaled to trajectories, thousands of them creating a large number of views. The model samples the radiance fields totally from the previous distribution that the model has learned.
  • The scenes are thus synthesized by interpolation within the hidden space.
  • The scaling of 3D scenes generates many scenes that contain thousands of images. During training, there is no issue related to canonical orientation or mode collapse.
  • A novel de-noising optimization technique is used to find hidden representations that collaborate in modelling the camera poses and the radiance field to create multiple datasets with state-of-the-art performance in generating 3D scenes by building a setup that uses images and text.

To conclude, GAUDI has more capabilities and can also be used for sampling various images and video datasets. Furthermore, this will make a foray into AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality). With GAUDI in hand, the sky is only the limit in the field of media creation. So, if you enjoy reading about the latest development in the field of AI and ML, then keep a tab on the blog section of the E2E Networks website.

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