ML Deployment Strategy: Breaking It Down
2:30 pm
3:30 pm

ML Deployment Strategy: Breaking It Down

Integrating a machine learning model into an existing production environment to make practical business decisions based on data is one of the last stages in the machine learning cycle and can be the most burdensome. Find out what it takes to deploy a Machine Learning model.

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About the Speaker

Stalin Sabu Thomas

Stalin Sabu Thomas

Data Science Engineer, Wow Labz

Mr. Stalin is a Machine Learning AI engineer passionate about technology and solving real-world problems. Mr. Stalin has broad experience in programming, web development, and machine learning.

Event Agenda

Join E2E Cloud and Mr.Stalin, Data Scientist at Wow Labz, to discuss the strategies to deploy Machine Learning Models in the most effective ways.

Join this webinar to learn:- 

  • Deploying Models in production
  • Strategies deployment 
  • Best practices for deploying Machine Learning Models

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